Bus 106 will not run today, Tuesday, January 19th.
No bus service for 112 today or Wednesday. Bus 112 will resume route on Thursday, January 21st.
Hero Happenings! Jan. 18th https://www.smore.com/qh9zc
Parents please read the following important flyer to learn more about supportive counseling services available.
To speak with a crisis counselor or get help finding resources call the toll-free support line at: (833)-993-2383
Attention Parents/Guardians: You are invited to join Ozark Guidance, Arisa Health for a virtual parent night on Tuesday, February 9th at 6:00-7:00 PM discussing Emotional Intelligence.
Please register in advance by clicking on this link:
Hero Happenings! Jan. 11th https://www.smore.com/dz427
Final Hero Happenings! of 2020 Happy Holidays everyone!!! https://www.smore.com/ab8vz
Hellstern administrators want to wish all of our families, students, teachers, and staff a very happy holiday break!! We can't wait to start 2021 with you all!!!
Today a member of our school family tested positive for the Covid-19 virus. All students related to the positive cases have been contacted. A letter has been posted to our website if you need more information.
Tomorrow, December 15th, bus 112 will not be running. Please either provide transportation in the morning and afternoon, or plan on having your child work remotely.
Hellstern Families,
Springdale Schools will have remote teaching and learning on Monday, December 14, 2020 .
There will be no onsite learning or food services due to the weather. We hope you enjoy the beautiful snow!
Please check your Google Classroom and work from home - Your teachers will be able to communicate with you through e-mail and Google Classroom.
The Springdale Schools will have remote teaching and learning on Monday, December 14, 2020 .There will be no onsite learning due to the weather.
The Springdale Schools will have remote teaching and learning on Monday, December 14, 2020 . All school buildings will be closed.
Hero Happenings! - Last one for 2020! https://www.smore.com/130ve
"Coats & Cans" drive - deadline is Friday. Thanks!
Hero Happenings! https://www.smore.com/t58ng
On-site Instruction Resumes Monday December 7, 2020
Hero Happenings! Special Edition....https://www.smore.com/fk8my
Hellstern Hero Families,
Please see this message from our district about remote learning during the week of November 30th - December 4th.
There will be more specific information about remote learning for HMS families later this week.
Greetings Springdale Schools Family,
Please see the newsletter that announces Remote Learning for November 30th to December 4th. Plus includes important information about ASP, Food Services, Remote Learning tips and much more.