Bus 224 will not be running today, Jan. 11th.

Bus 209 will not run tomorrow, Jan. 11th.

Bus 209 will not be running tomorrow, Jan. 10th.

Hero Happenings! https://www.smore.com/ypusk

Bus 209 will not run tomorrow, January 7th.

Girls basketball tonight!

Spring Semester 2022
Welcome Back | COVID-19 Update from Dr. Jared Cleveland
Read full message here:

Basketball tonight!

Bus 142 and 209 will not be running today.

Tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 6, bus 209 will not be running.

Soccer practice has been cancelled for this afternoon. Kick Club has also been cancelled.

Quick reminder: If your student has tested positive for Covid or if he/she has had a Covid exposure, please remember to let us know by completing the form on this site: https://www.sdale.org/page/covid
This helps us keep accurate records and helps with communication regarding absences and return dates. Thanks parents!

Bus 224 will not be running this morning. At this point, we do expect it to run this afternoon….but will let you know if that changes.

Happy New Year! Please remind your student to charge his/her chromebook tonight. Also, bus 209 and bus 126 will NOT be running tomorrow, January 4th. See you tomorrow!

2021 Springdale District Spelling Bee
Congratulations to all the spelling bee contestants this year!
This year features a 43 round spelling bee, with an EPIC 25 round battle between Quintin and Michael.

Hero Happenings! Dec. 20th, 2021
Happy Holidays - We'll see you in 2022!

Bus 222 will not be running this afternoon, Friday, December, 17th.

Basketball starts tonight @ 4:30pm - see you at HBHS!

Bus 142 will not be running today, Tuesday, Dec. 14th.

Basketball at 5:30 tonight!